The author must send the manuscript online submissions to the website by first registering as an author
The Procedures
- The scriptwriting guide can be viewed at this link
Script Selection Criteria
1. Every paper received by the editor will be reviewed by at least by two experts in the same field respectively before the paper being published.
2. At the time of submission of the paper, the authors should include the category of papers.3. All draft papers shall be accompanied by a declaration that the text has not been published previously by another publication.
4. The manuscript should be written is good and correct in Indonesian or English Language.
5. The text is unacceptable if it contains political elements, commercialism, and subjectivity exaggeration or the projection of someone who is both flattering and condescending.
6. The paper should contain:
- Title of Writing
- The name of the lead author and co-author (without title)
- Name of the institution where the lead author and co author (authors) work include e-mail(s).
- Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia and English language. The abstract length is not more than 200 words.
- The Introduction
- The main content of paper(s)
- The Conclusions
- The reference(s) is arranged literally by the author's final name, followed by the year of publication, the title, and so on. The literature quotation on the manuscript is not a number but stating the author's final name and the year published.
8. The manuscript is written on A4 size paper using the Microsoft Word and word processor sent to address webiste : atau via e-mail:
9. Symbols and terminology used are symbols and terminology commonly used in the field result of their expertise.
10. The unit used is the International Unit (SI).
11. Images, photos, tables, should print in black or colour, with the clear ink, so as to produce a good
12. The author agrees to transfer his copyright to the editor of this Journal, If and when the text is received for publication.